JS bindings, New FPGA repo, Updated website, Videos and more
This is the copy of the monthly newsletter sent out to our subscribers.
Bindings LVGL got a new JavaScript binding which allows creating UIs in a React-ish style. Actually now we have some bindings that it’s worth reviewing them:
- MicroPython
- PikaScript
- Berry with Tasmota support
- JavaScript
- C++ (on its way)
RT-Thread competition The competition organized by RT-Thread and LVGL was completed. Here you can check out the winners and get some inspiration.
New Xilinx port repo Thanks to Pete Bone we just got a new port to Xilinx Zedboard. It has a 2 core CPU with a VGA output. If you are into FPGAs I’m sure it’s worth taking a look.
New SquareLine blog post from Espressif
Espressif has created a new demo with SquareLine Studio. Check it out here:
Updated website We have updated LVGL’s website to make it cleaner and informative. What do you think?
Driver development service We have established a partnership with EDGEMTtech. Now we are more confident with taking driver development projects too. So if you feel that you are not making the most out of your hardware and OS, just contact us!
User projects
Demos from NXP We have designed two demos for NXP and they implemented them in GUI Guider. Check them out here:
And don’t forget, if you’d like to support LVGL’s development you can easily do it at https://opencollective.com/lvgl. We spend every cent on making LVGL better!